Well-Red • 19 October 2007 • The SnowBlog


The Red Men
Congrats to Matthew De Abaitua. Last night was the launch party for The Red Men and it all went very well. In attendance were lots of writers and journalists, all of them passionate readers. Plus I met a couple of slightly crazy girls (who were nevertheless fascinating company) and learned a considerable amount about the art of film direction and the pitfalls of the modern novel as a result. Then Matthew read a little of the book to the grateful throng. And we weren't just paying attention because Matthew had chosen a smutty bit either - smutty but full of literary merit I'd like to stress. Now looking back on it, I can't imagine why I didn't have a camera with me so that you'all could see what went on. But then again I don't really leave the house that much, never mind haunt urban dens of literary iniquity and hard liquor, and I think I must have been too startled by the bright lights to remember my duty to the SnowBlog readership. Next time though I'll make sure I get some incriminating negatives for our files.


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