Son of Admin Week • 21 July 2007 • The SnowBlog

Son of Admin Week

So I half-succeeded with Admin Week. I have finished one book, done a first draft of two, got the lovely printers to scan the US edition of another, sent two to the authors (hello!) for proofing, and put aside time in August for the last. Combined with the fact that Anna is a force of nature and has practically finished all her Christmas books (except one biggie) we are storming! Admin week was, therefore, a good idea. However, I found that I *Just Can't Leave* my intray alone. By Tuesday I was totally panicked about the things piling up - and with bills to pay, stock to manage, retailers to talk to and cover designs to do for other publishers whose turnaround is always tight, I couldn't just sit on things for a week. So because it wasn't properly admin-free, I am going to roll the whole exercise over to next week and try to keep the admin to a minimum for another few days. Makes you wonder what would happen if I just went on holiday and didn't do a single thing, though. I bet no major problems would arise. It's all in my head. Also - the appearance of little icons on my previous blog posts suggests that Rob has gone round to the neighbours and borrowed a cup of internet. Hooray!


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Many of the older posts in our blog archive suffer from link rot. Apologies if you see missing links and images: let us know if you'd like us to find any in particular.

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