Parp • 27 August 2008 • The SnowBlog


Where's that trumpet of mine? Ah, here it is. I just got a lovely email from a Canadian publisher who I've helped out with his XSL (taking ONIX bibliographic data and doing neat things with it, like creating catalogues (link is a 3mb pdf) and web pages.) He found out about our XSL services through my YouTube videos and he writes: "What can I say? Speedy, efficient, too fair, literary, entrepreneurial, smooth lilting voice and obviously fertile. Are you taken? ;) Thanks just doesnt cut it." How's that for an endorsement! [Blush]


The SnowBlog is one of the oldest publishing blogs, started in 2003, and it's been through various content management systems over the years. A 2005 techno-blunder meant we lost the early years, but the archives you're reading now go all the way back to 2005.

Many of the older posts in our blog archive suffer from link rot. Apologies if you see missing links and images: let us know if you'd like us to find any in particular.

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