Underworlds • 30 August 2007 • The SnowBlog


Like everyone else I've ever asked about this, I find the idea of hidden underground vaults, lost waterways, forgotten tunnels and concealed subterranean chambers fascinating. For instance, the Deep Level Shelters under London, each protecting 8000 people during the height of the Blitz, are still down there hidden 150 feet beneath familiar streets. I've passed their unimposing doors hundreds of times not recognising them for what they are. Similarly, the idea that the Fleet River courses beneath the foundations of the street that takes its name, but hasn't seen the light for two hundred years is strangely compelling. I wrote a little sliver of a short story a while back for Litro trying to capture something of that feeling. And this morning I was looking at these wonderful pictures when the title of the one below caught my eye. It's only funny if you're a particular kind of nerd.

Heisenberg Compensator Failure


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