Maple Academy • 7 November 2005 • The SnowBlog

Maple Academy

          There has been a flurry of letters this last week from hopeful would-be proofreaders. This happens about four times a year, in correlation, I'm guessing, with the end of a distance-learning proofreading course from one Maple Academy. They appear to have Snowbooks' details on a mailing list, and although I've asked to be removed they still appear to be telling their graduates to ask us for a role. 

One of the things that makes working at Snowbooks enjoyable is that we keep everything in-house, including proofreading. It's a waste of your time and effort to ask us if we need a freelance proofreader. (It's my own personal opinion that signing up for a distance-learning course in proofreading is not the best use of anyone's time or money.)

I'm sorry that we don't have any opportunities available. If you're thinking of going on a proofreading course, I'd strongly suggest talking to some previous graduates to hear their opinion of its usefulness.  


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