Clink dunk clink • 14 May 2008 • The SnowBlog

Clink dunk clink

is the sound that two nibbies and an IPA award make when banged together, which is what I've just been doing. Huzzah, we won the Innovation Nibbie last night. Here's what I think I said, or should have said, when I collected it on behalf of all of us (I have a feeling it came out far more garbled than this, but since I was in that state of freeze-frame shock that getting a nice prize generates, I can't really remember) "Stutter, mumble, er, thank you very much indeed, pause, pause. I'd like to dedicate this award to The Book. I won't go into the details of our XSL project, but we wanted to make the most of our ONIX data. We didn't want to hire expensive consultants, so we bought a couple of books on XSL. One was 27.99, the other 14.99. They saved two to three months work per year as a result of reading them and learning from them. Compared to hiring a consultant for thousands or going on a training course, these two books gave amazing value for money. So hooray for the book." Or something. It was definitely less eloquent than that, and that's not even eloquent. Still, you get the gist. Thanks to Nielsen for the award, who as Matthew pointed out in the comments in the previous post I'm always so rude to. Not just on the blog, either - I managed to take them to task at breakfast, lunch and dinner at the conference. Poor Nielsen, and when they give us such nice prizes, too. And sincere thanks to the judges for recognizing what we've done and thinking it was as neat as we do. And now, having said that those two books we bought were amazing value and better than consultants, if you'd like to hire me and Rob to help you make the most of your ONIX data, then shout! And huge congrats to both Mr B's and Mostly Books who won Independent Bookseller and New Independent Bookseller respectively. Bloody well done, both, and richly deserved.


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