The Letters • 2 March 2009 • The SnowBlog

The Letters

Here's Fiona Robyn grinning like... a happy author, with her book in Borders. I suspect that's a rather nice feeling, to see your book in a shop. Fiona's doing a super blog tour starting today, and will be visiting no less than 26 blogs. Phew. Follow her here. And read one of the first reviews from those foxy Foxes (although when the reviewer says 'Nothing much happens in the story' I wonder if we read the same book. Anyway, whatever. I am meant to be trying not to go for the throat of less-than-completely-raving reviewers nowadays, on account of how it frightens them so.)


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Many of the older posts in our blog archive suffer from link rot. Apologies if you see missing links and images: let us know if you'd like us to find any in particular.

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