Tasty treats • 24 October 2006 • The SnowBlog

Tasty treats

          //Urgent Addendum: Kind and wise South London spies inform me of a grave error. This is a pudding, not a tart. No icing! Sorry for my ignorance.//

Now this is the kind of delivery we like! None of that invoice nonsense; this morning we got a Bakewell Tart Pudding! 


When I say 'we', that's not strictly true. It was a present to Anna from our lovely co-author of Plotting for Beginners, Sue Hepworth. She was sending a present because rather excitingly Anna is venturing back into the big ol' world of America where she will be based from now on. We're calling it The Greatest Working From Home Project In The World! ™. She will be down the road from our new US distributors Consortium, which may come in handy, but mainly nothing will change. And that's the exciting networked world we live in, where a tiny company can have contributors all around the world and it's business as usual. Except we get tarts puddings in the post.  

Very sadly for Anna it was her last day in the UK office yesterday, so she missed the delivery of the tartpudding. That's ok, though, Anna. We'll take care of it for you. mmmmm...  


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