Stupid floods part ii. • 22 July 2007 • The SnowBlog

Stupid floods part ii.

We were going to go to see Rob today, but *someone* was worried that the floodwaters would magically rise again and so we decided not to chance it. Bah. No sense of adventure, have *some people*. Anyway, I got an extra special lunch out of it, and we'll go to see Rob next weekend instead - even if the countryside is on fire or part of the ocean by then. So today has been spent, well, working. Nothing like a lovely bit of work. Anyway, miracles have been achieved and a book I started at 8am yesterday is now completely and utterly finished. Booyah. Admittedly, a previous me shopped all the images about 6 months ago, so it just needed gluing together, but still. Big tick. Ooh, West Wing in ten minutes. Just time for a nice cup of tea and a sit down. See you next week. Oh. Tomorrow.


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