Oh boy • 21 September 2006 • The SnowBlog

Oh boy


Here are three fine books. They look, feel and smell *so* good. If you hold them close to your ear they whisper "I am pretty, so pretty, and full of goodness and interesting things and you must buy me." I might taste them in a minute, just to see...


See how they fall open at a page and stay open? There are no photoshopped fingers in these images holding the pages flat. That = high quality. If you're a publisher and need a recommendation for low cost colour print I can heartily recommend Oriental Press for both quality and service.  You can tell from their website, actually: although there are folks in this world who think a pretty website is just puff, it shows that a company has taste and an understanding of design principles and attention to detail, unlike some members of the book trade who shall remain nameless. 

Incidentally, these photos did not necessitate a trip to the beach. The stoney background is the pavement outside our office. It's like a little slice of the seaside up here in King's Cross. 

While I'm on, thanks to all of you who requested a copy of the Woolf. They are in the post!  


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Many of the older posts in our blog archive suffer from link rot. Apologies if you see missing links and images: let us know if you'd like us to find any in particular.

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